Source code for refit.registry

from functools import wraps
import math
import time
import typing as t
from collections import defaultdict

from termcolor import colored

from .host import Host
from .task import new_gathered_task, Task

[docs]class TaskRegistry: def __init__(self): self.task_classes = []
[docs] def gather( self, *task_classes: t.Type[Task], tags: t.Iterable[str] = ["all"] ) -> None: """ Register tasks, which will execute concurrently. """ self.task_classes.append(new_gathered_task(task_classes))
[docs] def register( self, *task_classes: t.Type[Task], tags: t.Iterable[str] = ["all"] ) -> t.Union[t.Callable, t.Type[Task]]: """ Register tasks for execution - used either directly, or as a decorator. """ # Used as a function. if task_classes: for task_class in task_classes: task_class.tags = tags self.task_classes.extend(task_classes) return task_classes[0] # Used as a decorator def _register(task_class: t.Type[Task]) -> t.Type[Task]: task_class.tags = tags self.task_classes.append(task_class) return Task return _register
[docs]class HostRegistry: def __init__(self): self.host_class_map: t.Dict[str, t.List[t.Type[Host]]] = defaultdict( list, {"production": [], "test": []} )
[docs] def register( self, *host_classes, environment: str = "production", tags: t.Iterable[str] = [], ) -> t.Union[t.Callable, t.Type[Host]]: """ Register hosts as possible deployment targets. """ # Used as a function if host_classes: for host_class in host_classes: host_class.tags = tags self.host_class_map[environment].extend(host_classes) return host_classes[0] # Used as a decorator def _register(host_class: t.Type[Host]): host_class.tags = tags self.host_class_map[environment].append(host_class) return _register
[docs] def get_host_classes( self, environment: str, tags: t.Iterable[str] ) -> t.Sequence[t.Type[Host]]: """ Returns hosts matching the given tags. If no tags are given, all hosts match. """ hosts = self.host_class_map[environment] if "all" in tags: return hosts else: output: t.List[t.Type[Host]] = [] for host in hosts: if set(host.tags).intersection(set(tags)): output.append(host) return output
[docs] async def run_tasks( self, tasks: t.List[t.Type[Task]], environment: str ) -> None: """ Create and execute a Task for each matching host. """ start_time = time.time() for _Task in tasks: await _Task.create(host_registry=self, environment=environment) time_taken = math.floor(time.time() - start_time) print(colored(f"Tasks tooks {time_taken} seconds", "blue"))