Source code for refit.mixins.docker

import json
import typing as t

from .base import MixinBase

[docs]class DockerMixin(MixinBase):
[docs] async def pull_docker_image(self, image_name: str) -> None: await self.raw(f"docker pull {image_name}")
[docs] async def docker_compose_up(self, compose_file_path: str) -> None: """ :param compose_file_path: Path to the compose file on the remote machine. """ await self.raw(f"docker-compose -f {compose_file_path} up -d")
[docs] async def get_docker_network_names(self) -> t.List[str]: response = await self.raw( f"curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http:/networks" ) network_data = json.loads(response.stdout) return [i["Name"] for i in network_data]
[docs] async def create_docker_network(self, network_name: str) -> None: if not network_name in await self.get_docker_network_names(): await self.raw(f"docker network create {network_name}")
[docs] async def docker_prune(self) -> None: """ Remove any unused images, networks, and containers. """ await self.raw(f"yes | docker system prune")